Master Thesis on Big Data Web Analytics: Integrating Ifml models with Server Logs And Runtime Logs to detect User Behaviour
com.webanalytics.analysis: contains the scala classes with the Log Enrichment Phase and the Analysis phase
- LogEnrichment
- LogAnalysis
com.webanalytics.config: contains the scala trait that configure the Source Paths
- DataPreparation
com.webanalytics.config: contains the scala functions that parse,transform and process the data
- Utilities
- Install sbt
- cd <project folder>
- sbt assembly
The assembly action creates a "fat-jar" containing all the needed dependencies
In the Folder SparkApplication there is the fat-jar compiled in the previous step.
###1) Copy the jar in the head node of the cluster with the following command:
- scp <"local-origin-path"> <"ssh-user">@<"cluster-name"><"destination-path">
ssh-user is the user that was created at the cluster creation moment
###2) connect to the cluster with the ssh username trough an ssh protocol (if Windows is used you need to use putty, for mac you have ssh shell by default in your terminal)
- ssh <"ssh-user">@<"cluster-name"> (Mac example)
###3) Run the spark app
- go to the destination path in the cluster and execute the spark Application with the following command(you can find the command in the folder SparkApplication/
--class com.webanalytics.analysis.LogEnrichment
--name WebAnalytics
--master yarn-cluster
--driver-memory 10g
--executor-memory 5G
--executor-cores 5
--num-executors 3
"ContainerName" "BlobStorageName" "WebModelPath" "DataModelPath" "DbPath" "ApacheLogPath" "RtxLogPath" "outputAnalysisPath"
** you need to pass to the jar Application 8 parameter to work properly:
- ContainerName :the container name of the blob storage used to analyze the data
- BlobStorageName :the Blob Storage name used to analyze the data
- WebModelPath :the Relative Path of the Container where is saved the WebModel
- DataModelPath :the Relative Path of the Container where is saved the WebModel
- DbPath :the Relative Path of the Container where is saved the DB dump
- ApacheLogPath :the Relative Path of the Container where are saved the Apache Log to be analyzed
- RtxLogPath :the Relative Path of the Container where are saved the Rtx Log to be analyzed
- outputAnalysisPath :the Relative Path of the Container where you want to save the final Analysis
##An example of the 8 parameters can be:
- "provaContainer" "tesithanas" "data/WebModel/" "data/DataModel/" "data/DbIstance/" "data/dataset-20161216/" "data/dataset-20161216/" "data/OutputhAnalysis/"