
Primary LanguageJavaScript




git clone http://crowdsearcher.search-computing.org/gitlab/crowdsearcher/cs.git CrowdSearcher
cd CrowdSearcher
npm install -d

Now the CrowdSearcher can be started using node cs.js. If you want to see the logs in a human readable form you need to install the bunyan package globally (Can require administrative privileges). To do so type npm install -g bunyan and now you can start the CrowdSearcher using npm start.


All the configuration are stored in the config/configuration.json file. Can be overridden by creating a config/override.json file to store needed configuration.

To run

cd *path/to/CrowdSearcher*
npm start

License Information

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Commercial licenses are realeased upon request. Free for Academic use.


Contatc us!