
Personal code samples and some university school projects

Primary LanguagePython

XML Parser - xqr.py

  • Parsing XML Document based on pseudo SQL language

CS-Insolvency-script - ir.py

  • The python script for direct download of subject's records from czech Insolvency Register. Can easily automatic check new records by a lot of subject.

Using a beautiful soup library

  • Have two choices of downloading subject's data: RC (personal identification number), ICO (company's identification number) IDs of subjects that have to be checked are stored in the csv file which have to be in the same directory

Fedora forum downloader - forum_downloader.py

  • Python script as ISJ 2015 project which allows to download all posts from forum forum.fedora.cz into one file.

File wrapper - wedi.sh

  • Linux bash script as IOS 2015 project. Script can automatically choose file for editing and start default texteditor.

Automatic bash testing - ifj_tester.sh

  • Script for automatic testing of IFJ16 interpret output

Iterative calculation - pi_fraction.c

  • Program in C language which allows to count value of PI constant using iterative calculation. The number of used iterations is passed to program through command line argument.

Example of program execution:

  • ./pi_fraction 100

C header files analyze - cha.php

  • PHP script for analyzing C language header files. Output is a xml file contains all functions

Multiple SQL Query utility - multipleSqlQuery.php

  • PHP script for executing one SQL query over all databases on your server.

Morse alphabet decoder/encoder - morse.php

  • PHP class for encoding and decoding strings into morse alphabet with czech aid world


  • php morse.php "Hi I am Morse" or
  • php morse.php Hi/I/am/Morse or
  • php morse.php ..../..//..//.-/--//--/---/.-./..././

PHP sample - sample_code.php

  • Sample php code as subfile of web project based on PHP a MySQL.

C header files analyze - cha.php

  • PHP script for analyzing C language header files. Output is a xml file contains all functions

Palindrom checker - palindrome.php

  • PHP class for solving palidrome problem (can operate with special characters as diacritic etc.)
  • Executeable as: php palindrome.php file.json || string

Json file example

    "string": "A do vlaku kukal Voda."
    "string": "A láska? Jak sála!"