
Combine Wrapper for ExternalAccessory.framework

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Combine Wrapper for ExternalAccessory.framework.

Currently implements browsing for unconfigured WAC (Wireless Accessory Configuration) devices and allows to start the configuration process for these in your app.

This is implemented in Apple's ExternalAccessory framework. That framework (and this wrapper) is basically just an interface to Apple's MFi process.


Installation via SPM.


To get an array of the currently unconfigured devices, use and subscribe to UnconfiguredExternalAccessoryBrowser. Subscribing to this publisher will start searching for unconfigured devices and deliver these as events.

These are the possible events:

public enum Event {
    case didFindUnconfiguredAccessories(accessories: [UnconfiguredExternalAccessory])
    case didRemoveUnconfiguredAccessories(accessories: [UnconfiguredExternalAccessory])
.sink { event in
    switch event {
    case let .didFindUnconfiguredAccessories(accessories):
        // Add to your list
    case let .didRemoveUnconfiguredAccessories(accessories):
        // Remove from your list

Typically, you want to update your View or Store with the complete list, you could achieve this with e.g. scan. Scan is like reduce but for Combine Publishers.


    .scan(Set<UnconfiguredExternalAccessory>(), { (aggr, event) in
        var copy = aggr
        switch event {
        case let .didFindUnconfiguredAccessories(accessories):
            copy = copy.union(accessories)
        case let .didRemoveUnconfiguredAccessories(accessories):
        return copy
    .sink { allAvailableAccessories in 
        // Do something with this full list 

After you have retrieved a list unconfigured accessories, you can configure them. You do this by calling and subscribing to UnconfiguredExternalAccessory.configure(on:).

This will then open a Modal on the supplied UIViewController. From here, the flow is controlled by the user and the system, you have no input. After the flow has finished, failed or been cancelled by the user, the subscription will complete.


// device is an UnconfiguredExternalAccessory gotten from Discovery
    .configure(on: viewController)
    .sink(receiveCompletion: { completion
        // Configuration has finished, either successfully or with an error
        switch completion {
        case .finished:
            // All good, user finished setting up this device
        case .failure(let error):
            switch error {
            case .cancelled:
                // User cancelled the flow
            case .failed:
                // Something failed during the process
    }, ...)


As this is a global external process, this is basically like a super Singleton. Starting to configure a device will stop searching for new devices and terminate all discovery publisher, no matter how many instances you create.

This is a limitation by Apple.

Limitation: delegate dilemma


According to Apple, searching for these devices is an expensive process, so you should only do this if the user is actively searching (e.g. the searching view is actively visible). Don't run this continously.

When using this package, you need to add the com.apple.external-accessory.wireless-configuration entitlement to your app.

This is how a minimal MyApp.entitlements file should look like:
