Current version: 0.4.1
- Anchor Model metadata manager
- Export model to XML loadable in Anchor Modeler
- In-memory AM Data Warehouse instances
- High performance engine thanks to data.table
- Web based dashboard thanks to shiny
- Built-in Identity Management to generate surrogate keys
Anchor Modeling Data Warehouse instance supported features:
- unitemporal
- views: current, latest, timepoint, difference
- restatement / idempotency
- dynamically shared knots
- 2+ anchor ties
- high level ui
- map source columns to AM entities
- query 3NF views
- views output mirrors postgres anchor model sql views
- auto identitiy management for anchors and knots
- auto loading knots
- auto metadata stamping
- web overview dashboard: views, cube, pivoting, ETL logs
You need to have R installed. You need to have R devtools
package installed: install.packages("devtools")
. On windows it requires Rtools.
## install if not installed:
Deployment script on fresh environment Setup Guide, useful for Cloud or VM.
See introduction doc which will go through all features of anchor modeling in R.