An incomplete implementation of the functionality of the "Magic Home" app. Partially a port of https://github.com/Danielhiversen/flux_led to Node.js
- 8
node cli.js setrgbww 50 30 20 1 1 returns success but no change on light
#44 opened by nospam2k - 5
Is candle supported?
#43 opened by nospam2k - 5
Feature Request: Brightness
#31 opened by 0rTiN - 3
- 2
Edited ack mask still getting time out error
#42 opened by JAbelP - 14
Support for new devices
#39 opened by martijnpoppen - 2
#41 opened by ArtichautDev - 3
Set Color Issue
#40 opened by ArtichautDev - 2
Create typescript types for the lib
#33 opened by skoky - 1
Poor discovery success rate
#35 opened by AndrewJLang - 5
- 8
New type
#32 opened by garbagefactory - 4
Multi Device Support
#34 opened by SkyBird1980 - 6
custom_mode_test.js doesn't work with WS2812b
#28 opened by MrVinceZ - 1
Requests fail after first request
#29 opened by znepb - 17
new Type 0x35
#24 opened by renaiku - 4
- 4
state.type 0x44 needs apply_masks in true
#22 opened by nicogon - 7
Buffer difference for `setColor` command?
#16 opened by chasdevs - 3
Error: Only got short reply
#20 opened by Sineos - 2
- 6
Scanning does not work
#15 opened by martynaskre - 1
Error on a few commands in cli.js
#13 opened by sjaakbanaan - 6
light.setColor callback very slow
#11 opened by RalphHogenbirk - 3
Failed to repair
#12 opened by seegersnl - 5
light.setColor(r,g,b) sets ww to 100%
#4 opened by jghaanstra - 5
- 4
Feature request: Connection state
#9 opened by tedstriker - 1
Use in react native
#8 opened by romanlex - 5
[REQUEST] Set warm white mode
#5 opened by jghaanstra - 1
Discovery Mode
#1 opened by edeuxk