
The BladeRunnerJS website and documentation

Primary LanguageCSS

BladeRunnerJS Website & Docs


The website is a simple Jekyll site.


The instructions assume that Ruby is installed and on your PATH. See the ruby-lang.org downloads section for more information.

Running the website

To run the website locally:

git clone git@github.com:BladeRunnerJS/brjs-site.git
cd brjs-site
gem install jekyll
gem install redcarpet # may not be required
jekyll serve -w

Navigate to localhost:4000 to see the site running.

Gotcha: Error installing redcarpet

If you're on iOS Mavericks you may need to:

  1. Have XCode installed
  2. Ensure you've accepted the XCode agreement (start app, agree, close)
  3. Have Command Line Tools installed: use xcode-select --install



The documentation is broken up into 3 high-level sections:

  1. Concepts - overview of core concepts within BRJS
  2. Use - documentation about using BRJS to build an application
  3. Extend - docs on extending the BRJS toolkit functionality e.g. creating plugins


The purpose of the concepts section is to provide enough basic detail for somebody to answer the following questions:

  • What is it?
  • Why would I need it?
  • How do I use it?

The contents of the How do I use it? part shouldn't go into too much detail. Ideally, it should provide a brief example and then send the reader to the appropriate User Guide or Tutorial.


The Use section should be a natural follow-on from the associated Concept. It should provide a solid example of how to achieve something.

  • Basic overview of usage
  • Example detailed usage


The ways you can extend the BRJS toolkit and also some of the front-end components e.g. Workbench Tools.


Because the documentation is open source we hope it's easy to submit improvements and fixes to them using pull requests. However, if you see a mistake and either can't fix it, or don't have time to, please raise an issue.