
This is a test, to play around with deploying workloads on k8s

Kubernetes workload

This is a mock project, to play a bit with deploying workloads to k8s.

Grafana & Loki

Add Grafana repository for Helm:

helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update 

Install Grafana and Loki:

helm install loki --namespace=loki-stack grafana/loki-stack --create-namespace -f .\loki-stack\values.yml
helm install grafana --namespace=grafana grafana/grafana --create-namespace -f .\grafana\values.yml

Now, you can log into Grafana, and add Loki as a datasource. Since it runs in the loki-stack namespace, you can access it from within the cluster at http://loki.loki-stack.svc.cluster.local.