
AsusWRT-Merlin feature expansion that automatically creates separated subnets from lan network, based on the active guest network and settings.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

sbnMerlin - automatic network isolation using ethernet bridge instances for AsusWRT-Merlin Guest Networks

Codacy Badge Shellcheck


Updated on 2024-06-26


Feature expansion of Wireless guest networks (wl0.2, wl0.3, wl1.2, wl1.3 or others) on AsusWRT-Merlin, that allows to:

  • Automatic creation of ethernet bridge instances, based on active guest wireless networks and settings.
  • Manage wireless interface isolation, for the interfaces mapped in the bridge instance.
  • Map other ethernet interfaces to the bridge instance.
  • Manage Internet and one-way access for the bridge instance.
  • Custom DHCP(ip range, default gateway and static list) and DNS settings for the bridge instance.
  • Custom ethernet bridge and packet filtering rules for the bridge instance.

For ethernet bridge instances created by AsusWRT-Merlin (br1, br2, br3 and br4), sbnMerlin allows to:

  • Manage wireless interface isolation, for the interfaces mapped in the bridge instance.
  • Map other ethernet interfaces to the bridge instance.
  • Manage Internet and one-way access for the bridge instance.
  • Custom DHCP(static list) and DNS settings for the bridge instance.
  • Custom ethernet bridge and packet filtering rules for the bridge instance.

Running configuration example:

root:/tmp/home/root# brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
br0             8000.04421xxxxxxx       no              eth1
br1             8000.04421xxxxxxx       yes             eth1.501
br8             8000.04421xxxxxxx       yes             eth2

root:/tmp/home/root# ifconfig br0
br0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr ab:cb:ef:01:23:45
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:379423 errors:0 dropped:8 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:770385 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:92423595 (88.1 MiB)  TX bytes:375266405 (357.8 MiB)

root:/tmp/home/root# ifconfig br1
br1       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr ab:cb:ef:01:23:45
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:444 errors:0 dropped:444 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:63605 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:26640 (26.0 KiB)  TX bytes:9386700 (8.9 MiB)

root:/tmp/home/root# ifconfig br17
br8       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr ab:cb:ef:01:23:45
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:16764544 errors:0 dropped:25196 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:84869956 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:5262801805 (4.9 GiB)  TX bytes:116707141040 (108.6 GiB)

sbnMerlin is free to use under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL 3.0).

Supporting development

Love the script and want to support future development? Any and all donations gratefully received!


Supported firmware versions

Core sbnMerlin features

You must be running firmware no older than:


Using your preferred SSH client/terminal, copy and paste the following command, then press Enter:

/usr/sbin/curl -fsL --retry 3 "https://janico82.gateway.scarf.sh/asuswrt-merlin/sbnMerlin/master/sbnMerlin.sh" -o /jffs/scripts/sbnMerlin && chmod 0755 /jffs/scripts/sbnMerlin && /jffs/scripts/sbnMerlin install

Please then follow instructions shown on-screen.


Command Line

To launch the sbnMerlin menu after installation, use:

sh /jffs/scripts/sbnMerlin
##            _           __  __           _ _             ##
##        ___| |__  _ __ |  \/  | ___ _ __| (_)_ __        ##
##       / __| '_ \| '_ \| |\/| |/ _ \ '__| | | '_ \       ##
##       \__ \ |_) | | | | |  | |  __/ |  | | | | | |      ##
##       |___/_.__/|_| |_|_|  |_|\___|_|  |_|_|_| |_|      ##
##                                                         ##
##          https://github.com/janico82/sbnMerlin          ##
##                                                         ##
   sbnMerlin Main menu - version: x.x.x
   1n.  Edit configuration (editor: nano)
   1v.  Edit configuration (editor: vi)
   2.   Run configuration
   3.   List clients
   d.   Diagnostics menu
   u.   Update check
   e.   Exit
   z.   Uninstall
Choose an option: 


Details of sbnMerlin configuration items:

sbnMerlin automatically creates ethernet bridge instances {bridge} for network isolation, based on the active Guest Networks. An ethernet bridge is a device commonly used to aggregate other individual ethernets (like: eth1, eth2, wl0.1, …) into one bigger ('logical') ethernet, this bigger ethernet corresponds to the bridge network interface. So it’s possible to create automatic separated networks allowing to isolate Guest Network traffic from the main network (lan). The allowed ethernet bridge instances are: br3, br4, br5, br6, br8 and br9, and for each bridge it's possible to define a set of configurations, detailed below.

The configuration file is located at:


It's possible to use sbnMerlin default editor for managing configuration items, or your prefered editor. sbnMerlin checks every 10 minutes for changes in the configuration file. If you need to apply a configuration immediately, use the sbnMerlin menu.

sbnMerlin automatism is based on the following rules: every ethernet bridge(brx) is created, if the each wireless(wlx.y) interface is enabled and with lan access disabled, as listed in the following matrixes.

The RT-AX86U or similar dual-band router with the following interface mapping:
		.1(bsb)		.2(fsb)		.3(fsb)
2.4Ghz	wl0.	br1		br3		br5
5Ghz	wl1.	br2		br4		br6
				br8		br9 (fdb)
The GT-AXE11000 or similar tri-band router with the following interface mapping:
		.1(bsb)		.2(fsb)		.3(fsb)
2.4Ghz	wl0.	br1		br11		br21
5Ghz-1	wl1.	br2		br12		br22
				br17		br27 (fdb)
5Ghz-2	wl2.	br3		br13		br23
				br18		br28 (fdb)
The GT-AXE16000 or similar quad-band router with the following interface mapping:
		.1(bsb)		.2(fsb)		.3(fsb)
2.4Ghz	wl3.	br1		br11		br21
5Ghz-1	wl2.	br2		br12		br22
				br17		br27 (fdb)
5Ghz-2	wl1.	br3		br13		br23
6Ghz	wl0.	br4		br14		br24
				br18		br28 (fdb)
(bsb) basic feature single-band bridge
(fsb) fullfeature single-band bridge
(fdb) fullfeature dual-band bridge


Bridge configuration enabled. (0=False/1=True/Default=0). Example: br8_enabled=1


List of interface(s) names that will be mapped to the bridge. Example: br8_ifnames="eth2 eth4"


IP address setting of the bridge. Example: br8_ipaddr=""


IP address netmask setting of the bridge. Example: br8_netmask=""


Start IP address of the bridge DHCP pool. Example: br8_dhcp_start=""


End IP address of the bridge DHCP pool. Example: br8_dhcp_end=""


Bridge-specific DNS server entry. Example: br8_dns1_x=""


Bridge-specific DNS server entry. Example: br8_dns2_x="


IP address reservation of the bridge. Example: br8_staticlist=<ab:cd:ef:01:23:45>>>HOMEPC<ab:cd:ef:01:23:46>>>Xbox<ab:cd:ef:01:23:47>>>

Syntax: <MAC Address>IP Address>DNS Server (Optional)>Host Name (Optional)


When this feature is enabled, wireless clients or devices will not be able to communicate with each other. (0=False/1=True/Default=1) Example: br8_ap_isolate=1


Allow Internet access for the bridge devices. (0=False/1=True/Default=0) Example: br8_allow_internet=1


Allow one-way access from lan network to the bridge network. (0=False/1=True/Default=0) Example: br8_allow_onewayaccess=1

Scenario: "I need laptops in the lan network can access IoT devices located on the bridge(br8)". With this option enabled any device in the lan network can reach the IoT devices, but the IoT devices can't reach the lan network devices, so the option is named one-way access.


Allow bridge access to router services without explicit rules (or implicit deny). (0=False/1=True/Default=0) Example: br8_allow_routeraccess=1

Scenario: "I have enabled router VPN server, so I need to create an explicit packet filtering rule to allow access to that service". With this option enabled the access to all router services from bridge(br8) devices are blocked, except the ones with an explicit packet filtering rule, so this option protects the router from inappropriate access.

Custom packet filtering rules

sbnMerlin supports custom files after setting up the device firewall for each bridge. To use this feature, create the custom file in the appropriate directory with the following syntax: {bridge}_iptables.{filter or nat} extension. e.g.


Custom rule example to allow bridge access to router services: remote management web and ssh ports

# Get remote management ports for web and ssh, using CLI.
root:/tmp/home/root# nvram get https_lanport
root:/tmp/home/root# nvram get sshd_port

# Rule example in br8_iptables.filter file.
-I INPUT -i br8 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8443 -j ACCEPT
-I INPUT -i br8 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

Custom rule example to allow bridge access to router services: openvpn

# Get openvpn ports, with CLI.
root:/tmp/home/root# nvram get vpn_server1_proto (or vpn_server2_proto)
root:/tmp/home/root# nvram get vpn_server1_port (or vpn_server2_port)

# Rule example in br8_iptables.filter file.
-I INPUT -i br8 -p udp -m udp --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT

Custom rule example to allow single IP address connection

# Rule example in br8_iptables.filter file.
-I INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT

Scarf Gateway

Installs and updates for this addon are redirected via the Scarf Gateway by Scarf. This allows gather data on the number of new installations of this addon or how often users check for updates. Scarf Gateway functions similarly to a link shortener like bit.ly, redirecting traffic as a domain gateway.

Please refer to Scarf's Privacy Policy for more information about the data that is collected and how it is processed.