
An example Ballerina Swan Lake project.

Primary LanguageBallerinaMIT LicenseMIT


An example Ballerina Swan Lake project that provides an unified API to call different humorous APIs to highlight some Ballerina features.

The humorous APIs are:

Tentative TODO-list

Potential enhancements in no particular order:

Ballerina commands

Modules have configration so all commands require:

export BAL_CONFIG_FILES='Config.toml:modules/chucknorris/Config.toml:modules/simpsons/Config.toml'

Run unit tests:

bal test --test-report --code-coverage

How to call the API

Using query parameters

Supported query parameters:

  • Mandatory: family - valid values: chucknorris, ipsum, simpsons
  • Optional: amount - integer greater than zero, defaults to 1.


# get two simpsons jokes in json
curl -v 'http:/localhost:9090/jokes/v1/json?family=simpsons&amount=2'
# get two simpsons jokes in xml
curl -v 'http:/localhost:9090/jokes/v1/xml?family=simpsons&amount=2'

Using JSON payload


  • amount is optional. Default value is 1.
  • The same family can be listed any number of times and the total sum is calculated.


  "requests": [
      "family": "chucknorris",
      "amount": 2
      "family": "simpsons"

Using XML payload


Success responses

HTTP status code 200 Ok

  "jokes": [
      "family": "simpsons",
      "text": "Shoplifting is a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark."
      "family": "simpsons",
      "text": "Eat my shorts"
      <text>Shoplifting is a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark.</text>
      <text>Eat my shorts</text>

Error responses

This version returns only HTTP status codes:

  • 400 Bad Request
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Error payload examples:

    "details":"Unfortunately the implementation is not yet available. Please call back later."
    <details>Unfortunately the implementation is not yet available. Please call back later.</details>

Using Chuck Norris API

curl -v https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random
{"categories":[],"created_at":"2020-01-05 13:42:29.569033","icon_url":"https://assets.chucknorris.host/img/avatar/chuck-norris.png","id":"Ma0dcm41QLyJVOlz7f896w","updated_at":"2020-01-05 13:42:29.569033","url":"https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/Ma0dcm41QLyJVOlz7f896w","value":"Miley Cyrus calls Chuck Norris daddy."}

Using Bacon Ipsum API

curl -v 'https://baconipsum.com/api/?type=meat-and-filler&sentences=1&start-with-lorem=1'
["Bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs fatback cow proident, pork loin corned beef voluptate occaecat dolor tenderloin do nostrud sint biltong anim."]

Using Simpsons API

curl -v https://thesimpsonsquoteapi.glitch.me/quotes
curl -v https://thesimpsonsquoteapi.glitch.me/quotes?count=2
[{"quote":"Shoplifting is a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark.","character":"Nelson Muntz","image":"https://cdn.glitch.com/3c3ffadc-3406-4440-bb95-d40ec8fcde72%2FNelsonMuntz.png?1497567511185","characterDirection":"Left"},{"quote":"Eat my shorts","character":"Bart Simpson","image":"https://cdn.glitch.com/3c3ffadc-3406-4440-bb95-d40ec8fcde72%2FBartSimpson.png?1497567511638","characterDirection":"Right"}]