
InterSystems Interoperability exercise.

Primary LanguageObjectScriptMIT LicenseMIT

InterSystems Interoperability Exercise

Create an Intersystems Interoperability production that provides an unified API to call different humorous APIs.

The production will have the following ObjectScript API:

NAMESPACE>do ##class(IOP.Jokes.Runner).Run(<FAMILY>, <AMOUNT>)


  • <FAMILY> is the canonical name (string) for the actual humorous API. See valid values in table below.
  • <AMOUNT> tells how many jokes (number) should be returned. Default value is 1.

Implement support for at least two of the following families. You can also use other similar humorous APIs.

baconipsum https://baconipsum.com/json-api/
chucknorris https://api.chucknorris.io
simpsons https://thesimpsonsquoteapi.glitch.me

There have to be also a valid family returning "not implemented yet" error, see examples below.

Production Skeleton

src/ directory has a production skeleton that provides the starting point. You have to fill the gaps marked with // TODO. Please see the sequence diagram that describes the expected behaviour.

You can import and compile the skeleton with following command:

NAMESPACE>do $system.OBJ.ImportDir("<LOCATION>/isc-iop-ex1/src/",,"/compile=1",,1)

where <LOCATION> is the directory where you have this repository.


Emulate one of the APIs above with WireMock or invent your own API.

Get the WireMock Standalone and drop it into your preferred location.

WireMock already has an example API (/status and /joke) configured in wiremock/ directory. Put your JSON stub configuration files there. See Stubbing for further details.

How to run WireMock:

java -jar <LOCATION>/wiremock-standalone.jar --verbose --disable-gzip --global-response-templating --root-dir ./wiremock/

How to try the API:

$ curl --include localhost:8080/status
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
Matched-Stub-Id: b0e9e6a8-59a5-4204-a153-ec92c36bc2e6
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

$ curl --include localhost:8080/joke/1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
Matched-Stub-Id: 1b941e39-b965-47af-a113-79a19adf819e
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    "id": "1",
    "joke": {
        "language": "en",
        "text": "Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!"


Return default amount of jokes:

NAMESPACE>do ##class(IOP.Jokes.Runner).Run("simpsons")
{"jokes":[{"family":"simpsons","text":"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true."}]}

Return 3 jokes:

NAMESPACE>do ##class(IOP.Jokes.Runner).Run("chucknorris", 3)
{"jokes":[{"family":"chucknorris","text":"Chuck Norris likes Apples for dessert ... especially Macbook Pros and Airbooks"},{"family":"chucknorris","text":"Doctor's slap babies because their NOT Chuck Norris"},{"family":"chucknorris","text":"If you see Chuck Norris picking his nose, it's best not to say anything."}]}

Invalid family:

NAMESPACE>do ##class(IOP.Jokes.Runner).Run("foobar")
{"Description":"Invalid family: \"foobar\". Valid families: \"baconipsum\", \"chucknorris\", \"simpsons\".","Time":"2024-05-27T04:26:54Z"}

Valid family, but not impelemented yet:

NAMESPACE>do ##class(IOP.Jokes.Runner).Run("baconipsum")
{"Description":"Not implemented yet. Family: \"baconipsum\"","Time":"2024-05-27T04:30:08Z"}

Invalid amount:

NAMESPACE>do ##class(IOP.Jokes.Runner).Run("simpsons", -1)
{"Description":"Invalid amount: -1. Valid amount > 0.","Time":"2024-05-27T04:33:36Z"}