
An example Phoenix project that provides an unified API to call different humorous APIs.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


An example Phoenix project that provides an unified API to call different humorous APIs.

The humorous APIs are:


See also Phoenix installation.

Install Hex package manager:

$ mix local.hex

Install Phoenix application generator:

$ mix archive.install hex phx_new

Bootstrap the API-only Phoenix Application

Generator help:

$ mix help phx.new

Generate the application:

$ mix phx.new jokes --install --no-assets --no-ecto --no-gettext --no-html --no-mailer

Start the application:

$ cd jokes
$ mix phx.server

At this point there is nothing but the Phoenix dashboard: http://localhost:4000/dev/dashboard/

Running Tests

$ mix test

How to Call the API

Supported query parameters:

  • Mandatory: family - valid values: chucknorris, ipsum, simpsons
  • Optional: amount - integer greater than zero, defaults to 1.


$ curl --verbose 'http://localhost:4000/api/jokes/v1?family=simpsons&amount=2'

Note the version in the path, i.e. jokes/v1 or jokes/v2.

Error Responses

HTTP status code 400 Bad Request with error details in payload:

{"message":"error details"}

Version 1

The basic Phoenix skeleton where:

  • the query parameters are validated
  • the query is routed to the correct handler
  • returns hard-coded response, no actual api calls yet
  • all code in the controller

So no jokes returned yet!

Version 2

Install additional dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

Compared to v1:

  • Application code has been separated from the Phoenix code.


  • Call the actual APIs.
  • Customised responses for 404 and 500.
  • amount can also be Roman numeral.