Bifrost - Elasticsearch subscriptions service
Http GET
Json formatted log lines
Path: /
Query parameters:
- matchFilters: comma separated key:value pairs used for exact matching
- prefixFilters: comma separated key:value pairs used for prefix matching
- afterLine: urlencoded json serialized Line object having at least the timestamp and id fields
- direction: ASC|DESC
- maxLines: integer of max returned lines
* key:value query: key is a field name, value is a matching string, for 'OR' matching multiple values can be defined with '|'
Plain text log lines
Path: /text
Query parameters
matchFilters: comma separated key:value pairs used for exact matching
prefixFilters: comma separated key:value pairs used for prefix matching
afterLine: urlencoded json serialized Line object having at least the timestamp and id fields
direction: ASC|DESC
maxLines: integer of max returned lines
follow: true|false keep the connection open for getting new lines
timeoutProbeString: when a string is defined the server is sending given string as a connection probe, the string is printed within the logs
* key:value query: key is a field name, value is a matching string, for 'OR' matching multiple values can be defined with '|'
Log messages checksum
Path: /metadata
Same query parameters as for the Json formatted log lines.
Examples query
curl "\
"logger" : "",
"last" : false,
"id" : "log#AW0_yHCckFSN2lTD2LUF",
"timestamp" : "2019-09-17T15:12:43.495Z",
"message" : "Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
Socket path: /socket
Get over websocket
To get the lines over websocket, send the "request" message to the websocket:
Subscribe to new log lines
To subscribe to new lines over websocket, send the "request" message to the websocket, lines are send as WebSocket Binary message
* matchFilter and prefixFilter follow the same pattern as in http get requests described above
To subscribe to new lines over websocket, send the "request" message to the websocket, lines are send as WebSocket Binary message
* a subscription topic is returned from the subscribe action