A reusable Elixir library for monitoring a lattice and deriving observed state.
The lattice observer is a GenServer
supervisor that operates a process tree responsible for reacting to events from a lattice and computing derived state from those events.
First, you'll want to create a Gnat.ConnectionSupervisor
with a given name, for example:
{Gnat.ConnectionSupervisor, nats_connection_options},
id: :lattice_connection_supervisor
With a running Gnat/NATS connection supervisor, you can then start the NATS lattice observer:
{:ok, lattice} = NatsObserver.start_link(
supervised_connection: :lattice_connection_supervisor,
module: MyApp.LatticeWatcher
lattice_prefix: "default"
The module
argument is the name of a module that must implement the LatticeObserver.Observer
behavior. This module's state_changed(state)
function will be invoked when state changes, etc.
For more information, see the hex documentation.