
WebPack loader that converts SVG files into React Components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Webpack loader that allows you to load your SVG files as React components.

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npm install svg-jsx-loader


This loader outputs a React component. To use it for all of your .svg files you need to include it in your webpack module.loaders configuration as follows.

loaders: [
	{ test: /\.svg$/, loaders: ['babel?presets[]=react', 'svg-jsx'] }

To use it for individual files:

var MyComponent = require('babel?presets[]=react!svg-jsx!../svg/my_component.svg');

In both cases babel with react preset is required to transpile resulting JSX.


Besides options that are passed to underlying svg-to-jsx module svg-jsx-loader supports a few options itself:

es6 {Boolean} Use ES6 compatible JavaScript syntax for component class. Defaults to false.

memo {Boolean} Only available when es6 option is set to true Use React.memo instead of React.PureComponent. Defaults to false.

displayName {String} displayName of generated class. Defaults to null.


This module was inspired by react-svg-loader.