
Repo with tips and tricks for high performance, contributions is always welcome.

"Biohacking" Tips for high-performance


Let's start simple, and make it the most complete and updated as possible, talking mainly about habits. The target of this document is to be very straight to the point, with simplicity(small but complete) information, however links for further reading is welcome, please contribute!!!

We'll not mention to to have daily exercices and prevent fast food because its obvious eh? :D

Let's join our knowledge to evolve with a better life, healthy and performance..


- Focus/Attention: L-Theanine + Caffeine
- Memory: Bacopa Monnieri
- Stress/Anxiety: Ashwaganda OR Phosphatedylserine
- Health/support: Choline CDP, Magnesium, Vitamin B complex

Daily Suplements


Dual N=Back

This is a game you can download as an app for free.  
This app will improve IQ, decision making and memory with simply 20 minutes a day.  
Takes literally no time and with the results that it’s been linked to on a psychological level it is MORE than worth it.

Strict Workflow Extension

Pomodoro technique is a technique for time management and focus by Francesco Cirillo. 
Makes you focus on only ONE task at a time for a short interval repeated over and over.

Bonus: It also blocks out all the websites which distract you during these time frames e.g. Facebook

Brain.FM or coffitivity.com

To keep it short and sweet, we have different brain waves responsible for different 
things (e.g. recovery, focus, creativity, decision making etc).  

Bineural beats is the term you may be familiar with and they are designed to put your brain into a higher brainwave 
closely associated to higher end focus, studying and memory.

OneTab Extension

Psychologically we don’t like mess, we don’t like having lots going on and it puts us into a slightly more anxious state of mind.  
That means when we have a million tabs open our brain interprets that as mess and being ‘busy’ rather than productive.  
One tab simply acts to condense them all so it’s not as overwhelming when working.

Brain Dump Idea’s By Hand

Similar to onetab, our brains need to be as empty as possible to focus on one task at a time.  
We can’t multi-task, not even you ladies (us men definitely can’t), so we need to write idea’s down and get them 
onto paper and see them visually to piece them back together.

On top of that, there is some suggestion that linking your thumb and index together when we write 
(like Buddha’s who meditate) is linked to one of the energy pathways in our body responsible for thinking/creativity…
I don’t want to go all spiritual on you but it won’t exactly hurt you to simply write words.

Switch Off To Switch On

Our brain has TWO different states of working ‘diffuse’ and ‘concentrated’ our concentrated mind is where we spend 99% of 
the day consciously thinking/doing/selling etc.  However the best ideas, our creative mind, is switched ON when we are
NOT stimulated.

This is why going for walks, getting outside, having a shower, napping and stepping away from constantly ‘doing’ 
WILL help you overcome problems/issues in your business.  Why do you think your best ideas come to you when you 
sleep/shower or in random situations…think Newton and the theory of gravity coming to him under a tree…..well done Isaac ;)

Minimise Sugar

I know I said I wouldn’t talk nutrition, but this IS important.  
Basically if you constantly rely on sugar this causes a release of insulin however if this is chronic and you do it repetively day in day out you will DEPLETE nutrients such as magnesium, dopamine, zinc and potassium which are all important for memory, focus, attention and feeling good.

Not to mention an area of the brain known as the hippocampus which is mainly responsible with memory gets reduced in size with consumption of high sugar diets.

Calorie Restriction And Daily Activity

Again I won’t bang on about exercise/nutrition BUT we have something known as ‘Vitagenes’ which are responsible for cellular repair, protection and adaptation.  It’s similar to wolff’s law of ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ and in order to make our brain/body become optimised we need to give it a stimulus which initiates this cascade of events.

Not so much that we burnout (so don’t go running any crazy marathons just because you read this article) but so that we hit the sweat spot and give our brain/body a reason to improve which is done by simply eating in a slight calorie deficit (basically so you feel relatively hungry) and being active.

Headspace App Or Buddhify

This is used to help you sleep better.  Most of us probably try to get away with minimal sleep but problem is sleep is a non-negotiable subject and that means we NEED it.  Think of sleep being the equivalent to petrol in your car alongside servicing/repair…it’s the mother transformer of a fully functional body.

These apps help you wind down quickly in order to sleep better.

Water Upon Rise

Okay I promise not to do any more nutrition/training pointers apart from this last one.  You want energy? You want to start the day right?  Have 500ml water (cold is better IMO) first thing before ANYTHING else you do in the day.

Work In Open Environments

Are brains are designed for survival/reproduction only remember.  It is hardwired to be careful in dangerous situations (fight or flight) so you want to make sure that your working environment isn’t putting you into flight mode as that isn’t your most productive – you want to be in a relaxed/calm controlled state of mind.

Therefore; do not work in closed/small workspaces, avoid sharp objects nearby (such as in the kitchen), be in an open environment (big open office), have outdoor colours nearby, surround yourself with those in a positive mood.

Deep Breaths

If you’re anxious/stress then simply follow a quick technique of; breathing in for 3 seconds and out for 8 to calm down and restore heart rate back to normality.

Fonts: Nootropics Facebook group