The thoughts/notes/"solutions" to two palindrome-related tasks.
Develop a palindrome validator using your language of choice that will take in a list of strings and determine whether they are a palindrome or not. For the purposes of this exercise, a palindrome is defined as a string which reads the same backward as forward – ignoring case and non-letters.
- Input is a list of strings
- Output is whether each string is a palindrome or not
- Case should be ignored
- Non-letters (numbers, spaces, special characters) should be ignored
- A palindrome is defined as a string which reads the same backward as forward
You are a recently hired tester. The company has software it wants to ship at the end of the day that tests palindromes—words that read the same backward as forward. (So "bob" is a palindrome, but "robert" is not.) You type in some text, click Submit, and the software tells you whether the text is a palindrome—pretty simple. The lead developer is out sick, but there is a junior developer who can fix bugs that you find. We need time to fix and retest, of course. The product owner is nontechnical, but he can answer questions.
We ask you to review the site below and record your strategy, questions, etc.