
A small, lightweight OS coded in C and Assembly.

Primary LanguageC


A small, lightweight OS coded in C and Assembly.

Note: Please read the credits page


reduceOS is a small operating system built for people who have a very slow computer. It can do a few different things using barely any memory and disk space.
This project was coded for fun. I don't intend for anyone to actually use this(although if you did, that would be cool).

How to compile and run:

Step 1 - Download the source code.
Step 2 - Run make
Step 3 - Run qemu-system-i386 build/reduce.bin
Step 4 - Enjoy!

Windows builds do not currently work

I wanna do this

Check out this page to start creating. I recommend starting from the beginning.


pritamzope - Amazing starter OS code, reduceOS contains a lot of it.
Go check out his OS repo here