Android-App for the Project "Deutschlands-Bahnhoefe"
The App loads Data from a json - file, which contains all railway-stations without a photo in the project. The Json-File will be created through the java-application from Peter Storch on
The project - website you will find on and
To build the App you need a Google-Maps-Api-Key. Insert the key(s) in app/templates/google_maps_api.xml
and copy the file into app/src/main/res/values/
The google-services.json has to be exchanged with your firebase-created file. Please follow the tutorial on
Rename the FireBaseConstantsTemplate to FireBaseConstants and fill in your own data.
A template for the google-services.json
can be found in app/templates
. Copy it to app
and set the correct api key.
API-Key: copy app/templates/rs_api.xml
to app/src/main/res/values/
and enter the API for the Backend Service.
The code is public under MIT-Licence: