
add watermark to your div

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Using a text to stamp
  2. you can rotate the stamp in any rotate
  3. add watermark to any html elements,so you can add different watermarks in a web page


  1. watermark will set the position of the element for relative which contain the watermark
  2. when you set abnormal options of the wartemark like font:'226px serif',rotate:13/24*Math.PI.the watermark will only show a part of it and you could fix the issue by set yOffset which control the start point of the text.





npm install --dev-save watermarking

How to use


import Watermark from 'watermarking'

const OPTIONS = { text: 'Hello World' }
const watermark = new Watermark(OPTIONS)
// contain_el is the container which you want to add watermark


Name Type Default Description
text String 'Hello world' the text as watermark
font String '16px serif' Font size and the style of text
opacity Number 0.6 the opactity of watermark
density number 1 the density of watermark
rotate rad -1 / 6 * Math.PI the rotate of watermark
z_index number 2018 the element's z-index which has watermark
color String 'rgba(151,168,190,0.6)' Text color, you can use HEX or RGBA color codes
yOffset number 3 control the start point of text