Solution to the CartPole_v0 environment using the general optimization technique Cross Entropy Method.
- gym
- numpy
The goal is to move the cart to the left and right in a way that the pole on top of it does not fall down. The states of the environment are composed of 4 elements - cart position (x), cart speed (xdot), pole angle (theta) and pole angular velocity (thetadot). For each time step when the pole is still on the cart we get a reward of 1. The problem is considered to be solved if for 100 consecutive episodes the average reward is at least 195.
If we translate this problem into reinforcement learning terminology:
- action space is 0 (left) and 1 (right)
- state space is a set of all 4-element lists with all possible combinations of values of x, xdot, theta, thetadot
We are going to look for the optimal strategy without using any value functions - actor only approach. We restrict ourselves to finding only deterministic policies and parametrize them in a following way:
if w_0 * x + w_1 * xdot + w_2 * theta + w_3 * thetadot > 0:
return 1
return 0
Even though this parametrization is clearly restrictive, it will be sufficient to solve the simple CartPole_v0 environment
The Cross entropy method (CEM) is an optimization method that finds the best policy (weights w). It can be described by the following pseudocode
set initial_parameters
while not found_winner:
sample policies from multivariate normal
evaluate all policies
select best performing policies
reestimate mean vector and covariance matrix
One important tweak is to increase the variance for each estimated covariance matrix. The goal of this is to prevent the algorithm from being stuck in a suboptimal/local solution regions. In the code, we implement a decaying noise coefficient.
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