
Setup code for PHP-PHPUnit, Ruby-Buster.js, and Ruby-Minitest

Primary LanguageClojure

Roman Numerals Kata

The object of this kata is to practice TDD with different frameworks. We do this by creating a function that converts from decimal numbers to roman numerals. The basic test cases are written in the respective directories.

Legend: Make sure this works

0    = nothing
1    = I
2    = II
3    = III
4    = IV
5    = V
6    = VI
7    = VII
8    = VIII
9    = IX
10   = X
20   = XX
40   = XL
49   = XLIX
50   = L
99   = XCIX
100  = C
500  = D
1000 = M

More information about roman numerals can be found here: http://www.novaroma.org/via_romana/numbers.html

Javascript, Busterjs

BusterJs is a nice framework, similar to Mocha. It supports both assert and spec style tests.

ClojureScript, Busterjs

Use Busterjs, but from a higher-level language than Javascript.


PHPUnit is a test framework similar to JUnit. It only supports assert style tests.

Ruby, Minitest

MiniTest is a small Ruby test framework that is built into Ruby 1.9+. It supports both assert and spec style tests.

C, Homegrown :)

It is easy to write a simple test framework.

Lua, Busted

Busted is a BDD style framework that uses assertions.

Clojure, Midje

Midje supports top-down as well as bottom-up testing, encourages readable tests, supports a balance between abstraction and concreteness, and tries to be gracious in its treatment of the people who use it.

VimScript, VSpec

The language for real script-kids.

Busted is a BDD style framework that uses assertions.