
Swift Modules, a swift module (or package) manager #fuck_xcode #terminal_rocks

Primary LanguageSwift

Swift Modules

The Swift Modules manager similar to the JavaScript world's npm and bower


$ curl "https://raw.github.com/jankuca/swm/master/install.sh" | bash



Module dependencies are declared in a swiftmodule.json file in the JSON format:

  "name": "ModuleName",
  "directories": {
    "source": "src"
  "dependencies": {
    "Dependency": "jankuca/dependecy",
    "MyOtherDependency": "git://github.com/jankuca/other-dependency"
$ swm install

The dependencies are then importable via the import Swift statement using the names specified in the dependencies map of the swiftmodule.json file.

Using packages without a swiftmodule.json file

If a package does not include the swiftmodule.json file, the including package can specify the source file directory of the dependency in its swiftmodule.json.

  "name": "ModuleName",
  "dependencies": {
    "Dependency": "jankuca/dependency @source:src"


SWM can also build the actual app (the root module). If a source directory is specified in the swiftmodule.json file, all .swift files inside that subtree are compiled into a binary.

$ swm build

Note that swm install also runs this internally.

Code Signing

Once the app is built, it needs to be code-signed for distribution using a certificate obtained from Apple. SWM makes this dead simple by listing the available certificates and provisioning profiles.

There are two signing modes:

  1. store – should be used for signing for the App Store or other distribution
  2. device – should be used for signing for development and testing purposes; this adds a provisioning profile to the app package.
$ swm sign store
  1) CF826998D43332…499C595FCE980F20  "iPhone Developer: … (…)"
Signature for device
  Certificate: CF826998D43332…499C595FCE980F20
  Provisioning Profile: (none)

The command prompts for the certificate number (1 in the case above).

$ swm sign device
  1) CF826998D43332…499C595FCE980F20  "iPhone Developer: … (…)"
Provisioning Profile:
  1) 7716db78-0b66-…-9fbf-3a9b653ec84a
Signature for device
  Certificate: CF826998D43332…499C595FCE980F20
  Provisioning Profile: 7716db78-0b66-…-9fbf-3a9b653ec84a