
A django template project for creating custom GeoNode projects.

Primary LanguagePython

{{ project_name|title }}

GeoNode template project. Generates a django project with GeoNode support.

Table of Contents

Developer Workshop

Available at


Create a custom project

NOTE: You can call your geonode project whatever you like except 'geonode'. Follow the naming conventions for python packages (generally lower case with underscores (_). In the examples below, replace {{ project_name }} with whatever you would like to name your project.

Using a Python virtual environment

NOTE: Skip this part if you want to run the project using Docker instead

(see Start your server using Docker)

To setup your project using a local python virtual environment, follow these instructions:

  1. Prepare the Environment

    git clone https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode-project.git -b <your_branch>
    source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh
    mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 {{ project_name }}
    pip install Django==3.2.12
    django-admin startproject --template=./geonode-project -e py,sh,md,rst,json,yml,ini,env,sample,properties -n monitoring-cron -n Dockerfile {{ project_name }}
    cd {{ project_name }}
  2. Setup the Python Dependencies

    NOTE: Important: modify your requirements.txt file, by adding the GeoNode branch before continue!

    (see Hints: Configuring requirements.txt)

    cd src
    pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
    pip install -e . --upgrade
    # Install GDAL Utilities for Python
    pip install pygdal=="`gdal-config --version`.*"
    # Dev scripts
    mv ../.override_dev_env.sample ../.override_dev_env
    mv manage_dev.sh.sample manage_dev.sh
    mv paver_dev.sh.sample paver_dev.sh
    source ../.override_dev_env
    # Using the Default Settings
    sh ./paver_dev.sh reset
    sh ./paver_dev.sh setup
    sh ./paver_dev.sh sync
    sh ./paver_dev.sh start
  3. Set Environment Variables Create a .env file using the available .env.sample

    Assign values to the following variables in the .env:

    • SECRET_KEY (a random one will be generated at project creation)
  4. Access GeoNode from browser

    NOTE: default admin user is admin (with pw: admin)


Start your server using Docker

You need Docker 1.12 or higher, get the latest stable official release for your platform.

  1. Prepare the Environment

    git clone https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode-project.git -b <your_branch>
    source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh
    mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 {{ project_name }}
    pip install Django==3.2
    django-admin startproject --template=./geonode-project -e py,sh,md,rst,json,yml,ini,env,sample,properties -n monitoring-cron -n Dockerfile {{ project_name }}
    cd {{ project_name }}
  2. Set Environment Variables Create a .env file using the available .env.sample

    Assign values to the following variables in the .env:

    • SECRET_KEY (a random one will be generated at project creation)
  3. Run docker-compose to start it up (get a cup of coffee or tea while you wait)

    docker-compose build --no-cache
    docker-compose up -d

    before running docker-compose up

  4. Access the site on http://localhost/

Run the instance in development mode

Use dedicated docker-compose files while developing

NOTE: In this example we are going to keep localhost as the target IP for GeoNode

docker-compose -f docker-compose.development.yml -f docker-compose.development.override.yml up

Run the instance on a public site

Preparation of the image (First time only)

NOTE: In this example we are going to publish to the public IP http://123.456.789.111

vim .env
  --> replace localhost with 123.456.789.111 everywhere

Startup the image

docker-compose up --build -d

Stop the Docker Images

docker-compose stop

Fully Wipe-out the Docker Images

WARNING: This will wipe out all the repositories created until now.

NOTE: The images must be stopped first

docker system prune -a

Backup and Restore from Docker Images

Run a Backup

  • BKP_FOLDER_NAME: Default value = backup_restore Shared Backup Folder name. The scripts assume it is located on "root" e.g.: /$BKP_FOLDER_NAME/

  • SOURCE_URL: Source Server URL, the one generating the "backup" file.

  • TARGET_URL: Target Server URL, the one which must be synched.


docker exec -it django4{{project_name}} sh -c 'SOURCE_URL=$SOURCE_URL TARGET_URL=$TARGET_URL ./{{project_name}}/br/backup.sh $BKP_FOLDER_NAME'

Run a Restore

  • BKP_FOLDER_NAME: Default value = backup_restore Shared Backup Folder name. The scripts assume it is located on "root" e.g.: /$BKP_FOLDER_NAME/

  • SOURCE_URL: Source Server URL, the one generating the "backup" file.

  • TARGET_URL: Target Server URL, the one which must be synched.


docker exec -it django4{{project_name}} sh -c 'SOURCE_URL=$SOURCE_URL TARGET_URL=$TARGET_URL ./{{project_name}}/br/restore.sh $BKP_FOLDER_NAME'

Recommended: Track your changes

Step 1. Install Git (for Linux, Mac or Windows).

Step 2. Init git locally and do the first commit:

git init
git add *
git commit -m "Initial Commit"

Step 3. Set up a free account on github or bitbucket and make a copy of the repo there.

Hints: Configuring requirements.txt

You may want to configure your requirements.txt, if you are using additional or custom versions of python packages. For example

git+git://github.com/<your organization>/geonode.git@<your branch>

Increasing PostgreSQL Max connections

In case you need to increase the PostgreSQL Max Connections , you can modify the POSTGRESQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS variable in .env file as below:


In this case PostgreSQL will run accepting 200 maximum connections.

Test project generation and docker-compose build Vagrant usage

Testing with vagrant works like this: What vagrant does:

Starts a vm for test on docker swarm: - configures a GeoNode project from template every time from your working directory (so you can develop directly on geonode-project). - exposes service on localhost port 8888 - rebuilds everytime everything with cache [1] to avoid banning from docker hub with no login. - starts, reboots to check if docker services come up correctly after reboot.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
#test things for docker-compose
vagrant up
# check services are up upon reboot
vagrant ssh geonode-compose -c 'docker ps'

Test geonode on http://localhost:8888/

To clean up things and delete the vagrant box:

vagrant destroy -f

Test project generation and Docker swarm build on vagrant

What vagrant does:

Starts a vm for test on docker swarm: - configures a GeoNode project from template every time from your working directory (so you can develop directly on geonode-project). - exposes service on localhost port 8888 - rebuilds everytime everything with cache [1] to avoid banning from docker hub with no login. - starts, reboots to check if docker services come up correctly after reboot.

To test on a docker swarm enable vagrant box:

vagrant up
VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile.stack vagrant up
# check services are up upon reboot
VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile.stack vagrant ssh geonode-compose -c 'docker service ls'

Test geonode on http://localhost:8888/ Again, to clean up things and delete the vagrant box:

VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile.stack vagrant destroy -f

for direct deveolpment on geonode-project after first vagrant up to rebuild after changes to project, you can do vagrant reload like this:

vagrant up

What vagrant does (swarm or comnpose cases):

Starts a vm for test on plain docker service with docker-compose: - configures a GeoNode project from template every time from your working directory (so you can develop directly on geonode-project). - rebuilds everytime everything with cache [1] to avoid banning from docker hub with no login. - starts, reboots.

[1] to achieve docker-compose build --no-cache just destroy vagrant boxes vagrant destroy -f