
This repo describes how to setup a Universal Robot for teleoperatoin. The environment I am using is Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic version. This work is a part of RAIN Hub project (

(1) Xbox Teleoperation link

(2) Leap motion Teleoperation link

  title={Intuitive Bare-Hand Teleoperation of a Robotic Manipulator Using Virtual Reality and Leap Motion},
  author={Jang, Inmo and Carassco, Joaquin and Weightman, Andrew and Lennox, Barry},
  booktitle={Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11650},

(3) Demo - Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance link

(4) TODO: Demo - Dynamic Orientation Adjustment link

(5) Teleoperation using RelaxedIK link

* HRI Test 1: User Interfaces link

* Miscellaneous tests link