
My current i3wm configuration and conky scripts

Primary LanguageShell


My current i3wm configuration and conky scripts

alt tag


  • i3
  • i3status
  • conky
  • bash
  • setxkbmap
  • xorg-xbacklight
  • Font Awesome


cd ~
git clone https://github.com/jannispinter/i3wm-config.git .i3


You might want to change the network interface names in .i3/conkyrc.

If you are on Arch Linux (or Arch Linux based distributions), you might want to add a new cronjob to check for system updates:

*/10 * * * * checkupdates | wc -l > /tmp/.update_count

When new package updates become available, the status bar will notify you, showing a shield symbol and the amount of new packages available.