
35 SVG Icon Packs as Svelte Components

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT


Popular SVG icon packs as Svelte components

Netlify Status pre-commit.ci status Link check

Big thanks to @jacobwgillespie and his project svg-icons for providing pre-assembled and pre-cleaned SVG icons!

Icon Explorer (very much WIP)


npm i -D @svicons/{packName}

For example

pnpm add -D @svicons/octicons @svicons/fa-solid @svicons/material-sharp


  import Alarm from '@svicons/bootstrap/alarm.svelte'

<Alarm width="3em" color="green" />

Other Svicon Packs

bootstrap boxicons-logos boxicons-regular boxicons-solid crypto
entypo entypo-social evaicons-outline evaicons-solid evil
fa-brands fa-regular fa-solid feather fluentui-system-filled
fluentui-system-regular foundation heroicons-outline heroicons-solid icomoon
ionicons-outline ionicons-sharp ionicons-solid material-outlined material-rounded
material-sharp material-twotone octicons open-iconic remix-editor
remix-fill remix-line simple-icons typicons zondicons

To Dos

  1. Create a searchable & filterable index page listing all icon packs and all available icons. Similar to https://styled-icons.dev. (partially completed)
  2. Convert both the site and all icon packages to TypeScript. (partially completed)
  3. Automate versioning and publishing with GitHub actions to match https://github.com/svg-icons/svg-icons release cycles.
  4. Add some ava tests to ensure icons can be imported and have expected props.

Contributions towards any of these goals are much appreciated!

Credit where it's due

Thanks to all these icon packs for their permissive licensing, allowing free use!