
Source files for the 30 days free tutorials challenge as part of the Make Professional 2d Games with Godot Kickstarter

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

30 days, Daily Godot Tutorial Challenge!

In this repo, you'll find all the files for the game creation tutorials. These are provided for free, funded by the Make Professional 2D Games with Godot Kickstarter.

Selection of the final Godot demos

Project organization:

  • In start, you'll find the starting version of the projects, to follow the tutorials on GDquest
  • final contains the final version of the Godot example projects, following the corresponding tutorials
  • assets contains all the images and source PSD files used in the projects


  1. Youtube playlist
  2. Tutorial page on GDquest
  3. Godot 3 course (Premium)


If you find any mistake, please file an issue or leave a PR!