

Use this module to create a GCP managed K8s cluster and generate the kubeconfig.

Input vairables

Below variables are sensitive make sure you're either passing them using a Secret manager or TF Environment variables. These must never be published to version control system like Github- encrypted or not.

  • username - Username for cluster
  • password - Password for cluster
  • project - GCP Project name
  • region - GCP Region
  • credentials - /path/to/GCP-Key-Json
  • kubeconfig - /path/to/output/kubeconfig

You may also change variables internal to google_container_cluster module. Refer to this Terraform page for more information.


Example environment variables-

export TF_VAR_credentials=""
export TF_VAR_project=""
export TF_VAR_region=""
export TF_VAR_kubeconfig=""
export TF_CLI_CONFIG_FILE="/path/to/.terraformrc"

Example main.tf

# Remote State
terraform {
  required_version = "~>0.12"
  backend "remote" {
    organization = ""
    workspaces {
      name = ""

# Random unique username and password
resource "random_id" "username" {
  byte_length = 14

resource "random_id" "password" {
  byte_length = 18

# Variables
variable "username" {}
variable "password" {}

# Cluster
module "gkecluster" {
    source = "janpreet/cluster-kubeconfig/google"
    username = random_id.username.hex
    password = random_id.password.hex
    project = var.project
    region = var.region
    credentials = var.credentials
    kubeconfig = var.kubeconfig 