A lightweight modular javascript plugin wrapper framework.
was build to divide the complex structure of javascript plugins into smaller, specialized modular objects.
The main advantages are:
- Less functionality per module
- Better code structure and quality
- Use and load only those features you need - less data traffic
Even the plugin wrapper skeleton is modular and can be reused between different plugins. So if you use multiple plugins with, e.g. the jQuery wrapper, you save even more bytes because the wrapper has to be loaded only once.
The main modr
file dist/modr.min.js
is just a singleton instance that registers plugins and wrappers.
It also kickstarts the creation of registered plugins with there corresponding wrappers.
Include it always BEFORE any other modr
<script src="dist/modr.min.js">
<!-- modr modules come here -->
You can even reload or conditionally load other modules on runtime as long as the plugin wasn't initialized.
Init modr
plugin(s) with the following function call:
// init a single plugin with a specific wrapper
modr.init( 'targetPluginName', 'wrapperName', {
pluginName: [ 'module1', 'module2' ],
otherPluginName: [ 'moduleX' ]
// a real world example that creates
// jQuery plugin named "chop" with "jQuery" wrapper and 3 modules from 2 plugins
modr.init('chop', 'jquery', {
chop: [ 'accordion', 'url' ],
helper: [ 'events' ]
The jQuery wrapper was inspired by https://github.com/jquery-boilerplate/jquery-boilerplate In this case the jQuery boilerplate is only the root skeleton for the plugin itself that:
- loads all available plugin modules
- merges and extends there options
- extends the jQuery prototype object
<!-- insert modr jquery wrapper script -->
<script src="dist/wrapper/modr.jquery.min.js">
// init plugin to given element
pluginName: {
module1: {
someOption: 'value'
module2: {
otherOption: 'value'
// call plugin directly after creation
The modules constructors differ from the default jQuery boilerplate. The constructor is set automatically by the jquery wrapper.
Per convention any module should have an init()
It's possible to call this init()
function directly on startup with the init
// init component directly with "init" option
// that executes given module directly after plugin creation
init: { pluginName: 'moduleName' }
The jQuery wrapper skeleton fires two ready
events after it was initialized:
- ready.targetPluginName - this event is fired on the element it was created
// listen to ready event
$('.element').on('ready.targetPluginName', function() { /* ... */ });
// init plugin - ready event is fired directly after plugin creation
- all.ready.targetPluginName - this event is fired on window object after plugin was initialized on all elements
// listen to ready event
$(window).on('all.ready.targetPluginName', function() { /* ... */ });
// init plugin - all.ready event is fired directly after plugin was created and attached to all $('.element') elements
The boilerplate skeleton object can be seen as the parent of all loaded modules.
Within the boilerplate the skeleton is called root
root.pluginName - The plugin name that was set with first parameter of
root.modules - All modules that were configured within the third parameter of
root.options - These are all the extended global and module options. Each module can hold its own options that get merged into this object. For example, the module
has an optionsomeOption
and can be called from any module withthis.root.options.core.someOption
root.$element - The jquery element on which the plugin was initialized
All modules are initialized with following variables that can be accessed directly by:
this.root - The parent object of all modules, called
(see description above) -
this.$element - The jquery element on which the plugin was initialized
this.options - The extended options of the given module
- https://github.com/janrembold/modr.jquery.chop - Accordion and Tabbed Navigation with responsive hybrid mode and URL parameter support
- https://github.com/janrembold/modr.jquery.helper - Modr jQuery helper functions for event handling