
GitHub Actions workflow templates for `$ ghat`

MIT LicenseMIT

GH Actions Templates

Use ghat to easily share your workflows or copy the workflows shared in this repository.

npx ghat fregante/ghatemplates/webext/release.yml

And then remember to choose a random cronjob value.

Used by:

Package/ESM compatibility linter, details in sindresorhus/project-ideas#116

npx ghat fregante/ghatemplates/esm-lint

You can also exclude some tests irrelevant to your project:

npx ghat fregante/ghatemplates/esm-lint --exclude jobs.TypeScript --exclude jobs.Node

Common Node workflows. You can install them all at once with

npx ghat fregante/ghatemplates/node

or exclude some

npx ghat fregante/ghatemplates/node --exclude jobs.Test --exclude jobs.Build

If your distribution/built files need to be committed, this workflow will ensure that they are.

This is useful when creating GitHub Actions or simply to verify that files have been formatted (a better prettier --check, basically)

npx ghat fregante/ghatemplates/is-dist-up-to-date


  • A build npm script (customizable)

Via workflow_dispatch you can automate the release to npm:

  1. Runs npm version * with your specified version
  2. Publishes to npm
  3. Creates the release and changelog with fregante/release-with-changelog
npx ghat fregante/ghatemplates/npm-publish


  • A NPM_TOKEN secret

Via workflow_dispatch you can automate the release and tag updating of a GitHub Action

  1. Creates the specified tag
  2. Creates the release and changelog with fregante/release-with-changelog
  3. Creates or updates the current major tag (like v1, v2, etc)
npx ghat fregante/ghatemplates/action-release