
Resource component for Vue.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Resource plugin for Vue.js.

The plugin provides services for making web requests and handle responses using a XMLHttpRequest or JSONP.



Add vue and vue-resource to your package.json, then npm install, then add these lines in your code:

var Vue = require('vue');



The http service can be used globally Vue.http or in a Vue instance this.$http.


  • Vue.http.get(url, [data], [success], [options])
  • Vue.http.post(url, [data], [success], [options])
  • Vue.http.put(url, [data], [success], [options])
  • Vue.http.patch(url, [data], [success], [options])
  • Vue.http.delete(url, [data], [success], [options])
  • Vue.http.jsonp(url, [data], [success], [options])


  • url - string - URL to which the request is sent
  • data - Object|string - Data to be sent as the request message data
  • method - string - HTTP method (e.g. GET, POST, ...)
  • params - Object - Parameters object to be appended as GET parameters
  • headers - Object - Headers object to be sent as HTTP request headers
  • success - function(data, status, request) - Callback function to be called when the request finishes
  • error - function(data, status, request) - Callback function to be called when the request fails
  • beforeSend - function(request, options) - Callback function to modify the request object before it is sent
  • emulateHTTP - boolean - Send PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests with a HTTP POST and set the X-HTTP-Method-Override header
  • emulateJSON - boolean - Send request data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type
  • jsonp - string - Callback function name in a JSONP request


  new Vue({

      ready: function() {

        // GET request
        this.$http.get('/someUrl', function (data, status, request) {

            // set data on vm
            this.$set('someData', data)

        }).error(function (data, status, request) {
            // handle error




The resource service can be used globally Vue.resource or in a Vue instance this.$resource.


  • Vue.resource(url, [params], [actions])

Default Actions

get: {method: 'GET'},
save: {method: 'POST'},
query: {method: 'GET'},
update: {method: 'PUT'},
remove: {method: 'DELETE'},
delete: {method: 'DELETE'}


  new Vue({

      ready: function() {

        var resource = this.$resource('someItem/:id');

        // get item
        resource.get({id: 1}, function (item, status, request) {
            this.$set('item', item)

        // save item
        resource.save({id: 1}, {item: this.item}, function (data, status, request) {
            // handle success
        }).error(function (data, status, request) {
            // handle error

        // delete item
        resource.delete({id: 1}, function (data, status, request) {
            // handle success
        }).error(function (data, status, request) {
            // handle error

