
ISO C++ Committee papers by Mateusz Pusz

My ISO C++ Committee (WG21) papers

This repo contains ISO C++ Committee (WG21) papers that I created or co-authored with other C++ experts.

src directory contains source version of those documents. They are written in markdown-like language and are using Bikeshed for their processing.

Generated outcome documents can be found on GitHub IO page.

Getting started


  1. Bikeshed is really simple to install

    git clone https://github.com/tabatkins/bikeshed.git
    pip2 install --editable /path/to/cloned/bikeshed
    bikeshed update
  2. Updating Bikeshed to the latest version and state requires the following steps

    git pull --rebase
    bikeshed update
  3. To develop a document with Bikeshed the most useful is

    bikeshed watch src/paper_to_generate.bs

For more information refer to Bikeshed Documentation.

markdownlint and VS code

The repository provides a support for markdownlint to ensure that markdown documents are compliant and consistent. To use this feature just install markdownlint plugin in VS Code.