
Ingres is a feature rich and robust database (RDBMS)

Primary LanguageC

Ingres is a feature rich and robust database (RDBMS)

It is licensed under the GPL license, version 2.

Supported Platforms

For more information on building Ingres, including supported platforms see:

If you need help, visit:
(tip: make up a unique nickname)

To get the latest version of Ingres server source code:

To get the latest code:

svn co http://code.ingres.com/ingres/main ~/ingres/server
OR, alternatively if you prefer git:
git clone http://github.com/ingres/Ingres.git ~/ingres/server

(either of these will create a copy of the latest code in ~/ingres/server)

To run the build (the easy way):

1) cd ~/ingres/server
2) ./runbuild.sh

The runbuild.sh script will set up your environment, execute the build
and provide detailed logs.

To set up your environment to develop:

cd ~/ingres/server
source buildtools/set_env.sh

You can now "cd ~/ingres/server/src" and run jam to build by hand.

To install and use an instance:

1) Run the build as above.

2) Run buildtools/createdbms <2 character installation ID>

You can install many instances of Ingres on the same machine provided
the installation ID's do not conflict.

for example:
buildtools/createdbms A1

3) source buildtools/test_env.sh <same installation ID>

for example:
buildtools/test_env.sh A1

ingstart (will start the dbms)
ingstop (will stop the dbms)

To build, install and run an automated test suite:
Become root.
buildtools/buildAndTest.sh <2 character installation ID>

for example:

buildtools/buildAndTest.sh A1

To run the build (the less easy way):

Visit: http://community.ingres.com/wiki/Category:DBMS
(see the Building Ingres on _____ under B in the directory)

Where to get help/contact us:

Internet Relay Chat (IRC):
