- Introduction
- Installation
- Configuration
- Usage
- Extending the module
- How Can You Contribute?
- Maintainers
Author and maintainer: Pawel Ginalski (gbyte.co) https://www.drupal.org/u/gbyte.co
The module generates a multilingual XML sitemap which adheres to Google's new hreflang standard. Out of the box the sitemap is able to index most of Drupal's content entity types including:
- nodes
- taxonomy terms
- menu links
- users
- ...
Contributed entity types like commerce products or media entities can be indexed as well. On top of that custom links can be added to the sitemap.
To learn about XML sitemaps, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sitemaps.
See https://www.drupal.org/documentation/install/modules-themes/modules-8 for instructions on how to install or update Drupal modules.
The module permission 'administer sitemap settings' can be configured under /admin/people/permissions.
Initially only the home page is indexed in the sitemap. To include content into the sitemap, visit /admin/config/search/simplesitemap/entities to enable support for entity types of your choosing. Entity types which feature bundles can then be configured on a per-bundle basis, e.g.
- /admin/structure/types/manage/[content type] for nodes
- /admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/[taxonomy vocabulary] for taxonomy terms
- /admin/structure/menu/manage/[menu] for menu items
- ...
When including an entity type or bundle into the sitemap, the priority setting can be set which will set the 'priority' parameter for all entities of that type. Same goes for the 'changefreq' setting. All Images referenced by the entities can be indexed as well. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sitemaps to learn more about these parameters.
Inclusion settings of bundles can be overridden on a per-entity basis. Just head over to a bundle instance edit form (e.g. node/1/edit) to override its sitemap settings.
If you wish for the sitemap to reflect the new configuration instantly, check 'Regenerate sitemap after clicking save'. This setting only appears if a change in the settings has been detected.
As the sitemap is accessible to anonymous users, bear in mind that only links will be included which are accessible to anonymous users. There are no access checks for links added through the module's hooks (see below).
To include custom links into the sitemap, visit /admin/config/search/simplesitemap/custom.
The settings page can be found under admin/config/search/simplesitemap. Here the module can be configured and the sitemap can be manually regenerated.
The sitemap is accessible to the whole world under /sitemap.xml.
If the cron generation is turned on, the sitemap will be regenerated according to the 'Sitemap generation interval' setting ranging from 'On every cron run' to 'Once a week'.
A manual generation is possible on admin/config/search/simplesitemap.
The sitemap can be also generated via drush: Use the command 'drush simple_sitemap-generate'.
It is possible to hook into link generation by implementing hook_simple_sitemap_links_alter(&$links){} in a custom module and altering the link array shortly before it is transformed to XML.
Adding arbitrary links is possible through the use of hook_simple_sitemap_arbitrary_links_alter(&$arbitrary_links){}. There are no checks performed on these links (i.e. if they are internal/valid/accessible) and parameters like priority/lastmod/changefreq have to be added manually.
Altering sitemap attributes and sitemap index attributes is possible through the use of hook_simple_sitemap_attributes_alter(&$attributes){} and hook_simple_sitemap_index_attributes_alter(&$index_attributes){}.
Altering URL generator plugins is possible through the use of hook_simple_sitemap_url_generators_alter(&$generators){}.
In case this module's URL generators do not cover your use case, it is possible to implement new generator plugins in a custom module. To do it, simply extend the Drupal\simple_sitemap\Plugin\simple_sitemap\UrlGenerator\UrlGeneratorBase class. See the generator plugins included in this module and check the API docs (https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/plugin-api/plugin-api-overview) to learn how to implement plugins.
There are API methods for altering stored inclusion settings, status queries and programmatic sitemap generation. These include:
- getSetting()
- saveSetting()
- getSitemap()
- generateSitemap()
- getGeneratedAgo()
- enableEntityType()
- disableEntityType()
- setBundleSettings()
- getBundleSettings()
- setEntityInstanceSettings()
- getEntityInstanceSettings()
- removeEntityInstanceSettings()
- bundleIsIndexed()
- entityTypeIsEnabled()
- addCustomLink()
- getCustomLinks()
- getCustomLink()
- removeCustomLink()
- removeCustomLinks()
These service methods can be chained like so:
\Drupal::service('simple_sitemap.generator') ->saveSetting('remove_duplicates', TRUE) ->enableEntityType('node') ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', ['index' => TRUE, 'priority' = 0.5]) ->removeCustomLinks() ->addCustomLink('/some/view/page', ['priority' = 0.5]) ->generateSitemap();
Report any bugs, feature or support requests in the issue tracker, if possible help out by submitting patches. http://drupal.org/project/issues/simple_sitemap
Do you know a non-English language? Help translating the module. https://localize.drupal.org/translate/projects/simple_sitemap
If you would like to say thanks and support the development of this module, a donation is always appreciated. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5AFYRSBLGSC3W
Current maintainers:
- Pawel Ginalski (gbyte.co) - https://www.drupal.org/u/gbyte.co