
a simple rental car booking API service for customers (usingthe mobile app, or web client) to reserve a car for a period of time.

Primary LanguageJava

Car Rental Reverse Api Service


This service is a simple rental car booking API service for customers to reserve a car for a period of time.

Everyone can reserve car, but user only can choose a period that someone else didn't reserve in a same car. When user choose a car for a period that conflict with reserved period, it will tip 'reserve fail'.

In car info list we will show basic car info and reserved periods of corresponding car. If rental end date of a period less than or equal current data, the period don't show.

In order info list we will show reserved order entry of user.



Note: this web demo doesn't implement login action, so everyone who use this demo will use a same test account.

Technology stack

  • Language: Java
  • Framework: SpringMVC, SpringBoot, Mybatis
  • Database: MySQL
  • Package Management: Maven

Api Document

this service include three api implement;

More Detail:

The input and output can see swagger.

1. Get all car info;


GET /api/v1/cars/


Client get all car basic info and reserved period of this car;

2. Get all reserve order info;


GET /api/v1/reserved-orders/


Client query reserved order entry by user id;

3. Reserve a car for a few day


POST /api/v1/reserved-orders/


User reserve a car for a few days.

Database table

use `car-rental`;

drop table if exists `t_car`;
create table t_car(
    `car_id` int not null auto_increment comment 'primary key ID',
    `car_model` varchar(64) not null comment 'car model',
    `create_time` DATETIME not null DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment 'create time',
    `update_time` DATETIME not null DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment 'update time',
    primary key (`car_id`)
COMMENT='car info'

insert into t_car(`car_model`) values ('Toyota Camry'), ('Toyota Camry'), ('BMW 650'), ('BMW 650');

drop table if exists `t_rental_order`;
create table t_rental_order (
    `rental_order_id` int not null auto_increment comment 'primary key ID',
    `user_id` int not null comment 'user of order',
    `car_id` int not null comment 'car of order',
    `rental_start_date` DATE not null comment 'the day of using car',
    `rental_end_date` DATE not null comment 'the day of return car',
    `create_time` DATETIME not null DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment 'create time',
    `update_time` DATETIME not null DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment 'update time',
    primary key (`rental_order_id`),
    index `index_date` (`rental_start_date`, `rental_end_date`)
COMMENT='order info'