Web development course project
Prototype mobile webapp for storing receipts with automated text parsing.
Looks best with Chromium based browsers (uses datepicker in date-input field) and mobile browsers.
- AngularJS + Bootstrap frontend
- Pretty minimal animated UI
- Some data visualization with D3 library
- Autocompletes text input when entering products manually
- Rest api backend with Python Flask
- Scrapers for some Finnish grocery store items
- Tesseract for OCR, called with shell script.
- MongoDB database
Module seperation is pretty good in both backend and frontend.
- TODO Architecture drawing
Untested on most browsers, works probably only on fairly new browsers.
Code is untested.
Proper data validation / db schema is missing.
Some problems with removing cookies at logout (http simple auth).
OCR could be done a lot better.. Currently works for demoing.
Project is not optimized for production use (minified js ...)