
vnStat - a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

What is vnStat

 vnStat is a console-based network traffic monitor that uses the network
 interface statistics provided by the kernel as information source. This
 means that vnStat won't actually be sniffing any traffic and also ensures
 light use of system resources.

 Traffic statistics are stored on a hourly level for the last 24 hours,
 on a daily level for the last 30 days and on a monthly level for the
 last 12 months. Total seen traffic and a top 10 days listing is also

 Optional png image output is available in systems with the gd library

 See the webpage http://humdi.net/vnstat/ for output examples.

Getting started

 vnStat works best when installed. See the INSTALL or INSTALL_BSD file
 depending on used operating system. Experimental instructions for OS X
 are available in the INSTALL_OSX file. These files contain all needed
 information for the installing process. Instructions for upgrading from
 a previous version are included in the UPGRADE file.

Available options and documentation

 A list of commonly used options is available with 'vnstat --help'. The
 complete list can be accessed with 'vnstat --longhelp'. The following
 man pages are available with more detailed descriptions of each option
 including some usage examples:

    vnstat          general documentation and console query parameters
    vnstatd         daemon documentation
    vnstati         image output documentation
    vnstat.conf     configuration file

Usage tips

 Most vnStat settings can be changed from the config file. The config
 file is either ~/.vnstatrc or /etc/vnstat.conf depending which one is
 found first. A new config file can be generated using current settings
 with the following command:

    vnstat --showconfig >newconfig

 The config file contains comments before any settings describing with
 the purpose and usage of each setting is. More detailed descriptions
 about each setting and suggested usage can be found from the vnstat.conf
 man page.

Contacting the author

 email:    Teemu Toivola <tst at iki dot fi>
 irc:      Vergo (IRCNet)

 git:      https://github.com/vergoh/vnstat

 The current version of vnStat is always available from