
SecretLinks is a small application that lets you share secrets with others via expiring links.

Primary LanguageGo


SecretLinks is a very small application that lets you share secrets or sensitive
information with others via links that expire after a certain amount of accesses or days.

🧭 Getting Started

💾 Binaries

Download the latest release, extract and run it!

🐋 Docker

docker run \
  -p 8080:8080 \

Please note if you do not mount a persistent volume for the DB file (at /etc/secretlinks/store.db by default) into the container, all secrets will be lost upon container restart.


POST /api/secret - Create a new secret


Field Description Required? Data Type Default Value
secret The secret you want to share yes string
click Show a click-to-reveal button no bool false
views How many views are allowed no int 1
expires For how many days the secret is shared no int 3

Returns the URL path to view the created secret.


curl -X POST -v http://localhost:8080/api/secret -d '{"secret":"supersecret","views":5,"click":true}'

⚙️ Configuration

SecretLinks can be configured through commandline arguments and environment variables.

Commandline Arguments

Commandline arguments have the highest priority and take precedence over environment variables.

  -dbfile string
        Path to the Bolt database file to store secrets (default "./store.db")
  -listen string
        The address and port for the webserver to listen on (default "localhost:8080")
  -logLevel string
        Set log verbosity: error, warn, info or debug (default "info")
  -translationPath string
        Directory with optional JSON translation files (default "./translations")
        Print the version information and exit
Environment Variables

Environment variables are overridden by any commandline arguments if passed.



Translations can be added by creating files with the name of a BCP 47 language tag and ending in .json, for example en-US.json.

The files shoud have the following format:

  "msg_reveal": "your translation",
  "msg_copy": "your translation",
  "msg_views_remaining": "your %d translation"

Please note the %d in the msg_views_remaining string is where the number of remaining views will be inserted. The directory searched for translation JSON files is ./translations by default but can be configured.

SecretLinks always has an (english) fallback-translation built-in that is used when a users browser (or other HTTP client) does not communicate a language preference or when no appropriate translation for any of the requested languages could be found at all. You can also override the fallback-translations by creating a und.json language file.


SecretLinks requires you to secure access to the /api route with a reverse proxy. An example deployment could be as follows:

flowchart TD;
    INTERNAL(Other internal systems);
    USERS(["Users 👥"]);
    PROXY("Reverse Proxy 🛃
      - prohibits access to /api
      - handles TLS encryption
    style INTERNAL stroke,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    subgraph Secured network
      direction RL
      INTERNAL-- push secrets -->SECRETLINKS;
    USERS-- view secrets -->PROXY;