
Vue Unit and E2E Test with Code Coverage Example using Cypress.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Vue Unit and E2E Test with Code Coverage using Cypress setup example

For Vue-Typescript version please check here

Step by step setup

This project example is based on Vue CLI 3.

  1. Create Vue project using Vue CLI

    vue create your-app
    cd your-app

    Make sure to select Cypress as your E2E test

  2. Add @vue/test-utils

    yarn add -D @vue/test-utils
  3. Add @cypress/webpack-preprocessor, find-webpack and babel-plugin-istanbul

    yarn add -D @cypress/webpack-preprocessor find-webpack babel-plugin-istanbul
  4. Edit Cypress plugins setting locate at tests/e2e/plugins/index.js

    4.a. Import webpack-preprocessor

    const webpackPreprocessor = require("@cypress/webpack-preprocessor");

    4.b. Get webpackOptions

    const fw = require("find-webpack");
    const webpackOptions = fw.getWebpackOptions();

    4.c. Add on file:preprocessor setting

        webpackPreprocessor({ webpackOptions })

    This setting will allow Cypress to parse .vue files in unit test

    4.d. Setup code coverage task

    require("@cypress/code-coverage/task")(on, config);
  5. Edit Cypress support setting locate at tests/e2e/support/index.js

    import "@cypress/code-coverage/support";
  6. Add istanbulas Babel plugins config

    plugins: ["istanbul"]
  7. Create .nycrc ornyc config file with following

      "extension": [ ".js", ".vue" ]

Step 4.d, 5 - 7 are related to Code Coverage setup

Writes your test specs

Vue-CLI by default set test files location in tests/e2e/specs, but you can customize them in cypress.json or in plugins settings

Example E2E test with Cypress


describe("My First Test", () => {
    it("Visits the app root url", () => {
        cy.contains("h1", "Welcome to Your Vue.js App");

More detail about Cypress API see Cypress API Docs

Example Unit test with @vue/test-utils and Cypress


import { shallowMount } from "@vue/test-utils";
import HelloWorld from "@/components/HelloWorld.vue";

describe("HelloWorld", () => {
  const msg = "Vue Unit and E2E Test with Cypress";
  it(`Title should display '${msg}'`, () => {
    HelloWorld.components = HelloWorld.components || {};
    let wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, { propsData: { msg } });
  it(`Title should be empty`, () => {
    HelloWorld.components = HelloWorld.components || {};
    let wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {});

Make sure to put unit test files the same folder as E2E test files and make it available in Cypress UI

Writing unit test usually help to get 100% code coverage

More detail about @vue/test-utils see API Docs

Run test

yarn test:e2e