
Architecture for pruning methods analysis using pytorch prune module

Primary LanguagePython

Pruning Analysis


This repository contains code for analysis of various pruning methods.
The code is written in PyTorch and supports distributed computing, has a CLI support which allows for easy execution from batch files.
Configuration is flexible (but still can be expanded) and configuration sweep (Hydra multirun) is also possible.
Experiments can be analyzed through robust logging using Hydra and Wandb.


To install the required packages, run the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Conda/Anaconda is required to run the above command. If you don't have it installed, you can install it from here.


The pruning code is located in the pruning directory.
The entry point for the program is pruning_entry.py, the main file to run the pruning analysis.
You can configure the code from CLI, or modify the configs in the config directory.
The config is using Hydra, which is a configuration system for Python apps.

To run a single pruning experiment you need to provide the necessary parameters which depend on the method/scheduler to use.
You can check the configuration files in config directory for guidance.

Models and datasets

You need to provide the model, dataset, path to dataset and checkpoint to use for the model.

  • checkpoint path is provided through _checkpoint_path argument, for example: _checkpoint_path=checkpoints/resnet18_cifar100.pth.
  • dataset path is provided through dataset._path argument.
  • model is chosen through model argument. Supported models and the code for them is defined in models directory.
  • dataset is chosen through dataset argument. Supported datasets and the code for them is defined in construct_dataset.py.

Configuration Overview

The configuration of the project is managed by Hydra and is divided into several parts, each corresponding to a Python file in the config directory:


This is the main configuration file, it defines the main configuration class MainConfig and registers it with Hydra.
It also registers the configurations for optimizers, datasets, pruning schedulers, pruning methods, and metrics.


Currently only magnitude methods are supported.

  • LnStructured - structured pruning method, with the modifable norm and dimension which will be pruned.
  • GlobalL1Unstructured - unstructured global pruning, prunes all weights according to l1 norm.


This file defines the optimizers used in the project. The available optimizers are:

  • AdamW
  • SGD

You can specify the optimizer to use in the optimizer field of the main configuration.


This file defines the pruning schedulers used in the project. The available schedulers are:
Scheduler are objects which decide how the steps for pruning iterations are calculated.
E.g. OneShotStepScheduler with step=0.6 will prune the 60% of the weights and do a one iteration of fine-tuning.

  • IterativeStepScheduler
  • OneShotStepScheduler
  • LogarithmicStepScheduler
  • ConstantStepScheduler
  • ManualScheduler

You can specify the scheduler to use in the pruning.scheduler field of the main configuration.
The manual scheduler allows to provide user-provided values separately for every layer.
They are passed through pruning.scheduler.pruning_steps argument.


Configuration for datasets like path, name and number of classes (for dynamic creation of models).
Also, arguments resize_value and crop_value are provided, which allow to resize and crop the images.
Common case for Imagenet1k is dataset.resize_value=256 and dataset.crop_value=224.

Currently supported datasets include:

  • cifar10
  • cifar100
  • imagenet1k


Currently the logging is logged using Hydra, but Wandb is supported and recommended.


Our checkpoints are available on dropbox.


Structured manual pruning with 3 repeats and single pruning iteration and early stopping with patience for 10 epochs.

python pruning_entry.py model=resnet18_cifar dataset=cifar100 _repeat=3 optimizer=sgd optimizer.learning_rate=0.001 _checkpoint_path=checkpoints/resnet18_cifar100.pth pruning.scheduler=manual pruning.finetune_epochs=100 dataloaders.batch_size=256 pruning.method=ln_structured 'pruning.scheduler.pruning_steps=[[0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0]]' pruning.method.norm=2 early_stopper.enabled=True early_stopper.patience=10