
This is a Balena application mainly consisting of a micro service (docker container) that is listening to key events (press/hold/release) of an USB device (e.g. keypad, keyboard,…) connected to a raspberry pi and publishing those events as MQTT messages.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0

Balena "python-evdev2mqtt" Application

This is a Balena application consisting of 3 docker containers.

  1. python-evdev2mqtt: this service is sending an mqtt message whenever a key is pressed/hold/released for a specific input device connected to one of the USB ports of a raspberry pi.
  2. mqtt : mqtt broker receiving the mqtt messages sent by the python-evdev2mqtt service.
  3. node-red: this service has a dual purpose:
    1. It demonstrates that python-evdev2mqttis working properly as it outputs those mqtt messages in the debug window of the node-red editor.
    2. It also demonstrates the (limited) features of the node-red-contrib-usbhid nodes that can also be used to receive events from those input devices connected to the USB ports of a raspberry pi.

Rationale for this Application

The idea is to create a micro service (= python-evdev2mqtt) that sends MQTT messages whenever a keyevent happens on an input device connected to a USB port of a raspberry pi device. Other services (e.g. node-red) by listening to those mqtt messages could then respond appropriately.

E.g. a numeric USB keypad can then be used to control the volume, switch radio channels, pauze, ...

Additional Features

  1. Node-red editor can be accessed through the public device URL from the BalenaCloud dashboard.
  2. It is also easy to create a hashed password for node-red by running the command "node-red-admin hash-pw" in a terminal window for the node-red service.

Hardware needed besides a raspberry pi

  1. You need an USB device that generates key events (e.g. keypad, keyboard, ...)


1. Deploy Balena application

So as you might have guessed this is indeed a balena application. So follow all standard instructions for setting up and deploying this balena application. (e.g. see Get started with Raspberry Pi 3 and Python and its github repository) After this step this balena application should be running on your raspberry pi.

2. TBD

3. Set Device Service Variables for the python-evdev2mqtt service

Within your balenacloud dashboard you can set the following device service variables for the python-evdev2mqtt container.

Service Variable Description
input_device This is the path of the input device that is connected to one of the USB ports of the raspberry pi. E.g. /dev/input/event1. Note that mqtt messages will only be sent for key events of this input device. At startup of the python-evdev2mqtt service all the connected input devices (with path) are written to the logs which you can view in the BalenaCloud dashboard.
mqtt_broker default value = mqtt. This variable must be set if you want to use a different mqtt broker instead of the mqtt service
mqtt_port default value = 1883. If the mqtt broker is listening to a different port then this variable must be set.

Interesting Links

  1. python-evdev
  2. python-evdev package also comes with a small command-line program for listing and monitoring input devices:

python -m evdev.evtest