
nagios plugins for solr

Primary LanguagePython

Nagios check script for checking the ping status of solr cores and the replication status if a solr slave 

This plugin is in it's early stages, so improvements are welcome, it assumes you're 
running a multicore setup, and will iterate through all of them getting the ping status
if you use -P and/or the replication status if you're checking a slave and pass -r on
the command line.



-H : hostname/ip of the solr server we want to query
-p : tcp port solr is listening on
-W : webapp path
-P : ping the solr cores on given webapp (not to be used with replication check)
-r : check replication on the given webapp (not to be used with ping check)
-w : delta between master and local replication version, to warn on (default 1)
-c : delta between master and local replication version, to crit on (defualt 2)
-i : ignore a core, use multiple times to ignore multiple cores.

EXAMPLE: ./check_solr_rep.py -H localhost -p 8093 -W solr -r -w 10 -c 20
