
Sender ut dialogmeldinger

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Build status


Applikasjon for håndtering av dialogmeldinger i SYFO-domenet. Funksjonalitet:

  • Deling av oppfølgingsplan
  • Sending av dialogmøterelaterte dialogmeldinger
  • Sending av andre dialogmeldinger
  • API med informasjon om behandlere (fastlege) som kan motta dialogmelding

Technologies used

  • Docker
  • Gradle
  • Kotlin
  • Ktor
  • Postgres
  • IBM MQ
  • Kafka
Test Libraries:
  • Kluent
  • Mockk
  • Spek


  • JDK 17

Download packages from Github Package Registry

Certain packages (syfotjenester) must be downloaded from Github Package Registry, which requires authentication. The packages can be downloaded via build.gradle:

val githubUser: String by project
val githubPassword: String by project
repositories {
    maven(url = "https://packages.confluent.io/maven/")
    maven(url = "https://jitpack.io")
    maven {
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/navikt/syfotjenester")
        credentials {
            username = githubUser
            password = githubPassword

githubUser and githubPassword are properties that are set in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties:


Where <token> is a personal access token with scope read:packages(and SSO enabled).

The variables can alternatively be configured as environment variables or used in the command lines:

  • ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_githubPassword
./gradlew -PgithubUser=x-access-token -PgithubPassword=[token]


Run ./gradlew clean shadowJar


Run ./gradlew --continue ktlintCheck


Run ./gradlew test -i

Run Application

Create Docker Image

Creating a docker image should be as simple as docker build -t isdialogmelding .

Run Docker Image

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 isdialogmelding


This application owns and consumes from the following topic:

  • isdialogmelding-behandler-dialogmelding-bestilling

MQ config

This application uses an encrypted channel when reading av sending messages to MQ. The certificate and password for the jks-file can be found in Fasit. The resources must be stored in GCP as secrets:

kubectl create secret generic isdialogmelding-keystore-pwd --from-literal MQ_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxx


kubectl create secret generic isdialogmelding-keystore --from-file isdialogmelding-keystore.jks=./srvisdialogmelding_p.jks


For NAV employees

We are available at the Slack channel #isyfo.