This is a basic greeting challenge for Fruitask Developer. The challenge is chunk of fritter.. no sweat! Just to understand the Fruitask environment and used programming language, we prefer to test your superstar's capabilities.
Create a successful AJAX method, using JQUERY. On the PHP push your personal details in an array stored in accounts.json file inside data[]
. (see example format)
"data": [
"Name": "Fruitask",
"Email": "",
"Short Bio": "I love chicken BBQ"
Once you're done, you need to call your own data from the accounts.json using PHP and print it in index.html file, and make a basic profile card UI using Tailwind or normal CSS and HTML.
Next, upload your completed codes on your Github and prepare the repository URL. Make sure it is public access.
Make a CURL or HTTP request using Fruitask API using CREATE method. Learn here.
Use this test API 2fe0e2cf6e158467dffac00e9c7d2704
using METHOD &method=create:row
and data
for the values.
You need to pass this value as an object. (See the sample format below)
"Email": "YOUR_EMAIL",
That's it! We're done here! We will be notified by API when your request is accepted. Fruitask is a light JSON environment and used only Core PHP without any frameworks like Lavarel or JS libraries, well there's one.. we used JQUERY, most of the backend are all PHP using AJAX and Tailwind for CSS. We want to step up Fruitask with you. So we will see your work soon!
Make a simple page that will load your account details using AJAX.. Then deliver the entire repo, by submitting it using API.. Done.