
A repository for the React Native assignment for my Mobile App Development course.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  • Setup React Native Dev Environment, making sure ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is set
  • Create a new React Native project with npx react-native init ad340_react_native
  • Make the home screen show:
    • An application name or heading, centered and styled with a bold font >= 24pt
    • A brief 1-2 sentence description of the application
    • A list of values (any values?)
  • Publish the code to a new github repo

HW 9 - Hooked on React Native

  • Add People and Person Detail screens
  • Retrieve person data from the API when the People Screen loads
  • Make the list items in the People screen function as links to the Person Detail screen with the given person's data selected
    • Figure out how to pass person's data to the next screen (props via something with the navigator? modify the global context object?)
    • Wrap the PersonListItem component in a TouchableOpacity to allow navigation to PersonDetailsScreen
  • Allow navigation back to each screen's parent (Home -> People -> Person Details) in the status bar
  • Complete PeopleScreen.js to display the person's image, as well as a list of their details
  • Fix Person Page Header