
Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

Lightning Network App Workshop

Hello and welcome to the Lightning Network App Workshop. In this mini-tutorial we'll build a small lightning application to manage your Lightning Node. I've come up with this approach because I think it's the best way to bootstrap the basic knowledge you'll need as an Lightning Application Developer. Feel free to open pull requests and issues. I'm a little rusty on javascript development :P

Setup up

  • Install Lightning Polar.
  • Open polar and create a network.
  • Spin up some Lightning Nodes.
  • Play around with polar (open channels, pay invoices, etc...)
  • Use the connect section to grab connection to fill up your .env (see env.sample)
    • LND_SOCKET -> GRPC Host
    • LND_CERT -> Base64 TLS Cert
    • LND_MACAROON -> Base64 Macaroon
  • Install the dependencies with npm install on the server and client folder
  • npm run dev on the server, npm run dev -- --open on the client.