
A sample Sails and Angular 2 product prototype

To run this you will need typescript compiler and npm/node installed and setup.


npm install typescript -g

npm install typings -g

npm install

typings install


npm start

browse to http://localhost:1337

Database Setup

It is not necessary to setup a database, this prototype uses a "localDiskDb". (./.tmp/localDiskDb.db) But if you want to test this with a "real" database configure your connection at ./config/connections.js and change the connection attribute value at ./config/models.js to the name of your previously configured connection.

Relevant files

Frontend code is located at ./assets/app

Backend code:

Backend code is almost non existent, as Sails.js provides automatic blueprints for CRUD (which this prototype utilizes).

But if you feel curious you can uncomment ./api/controllers/ProductController.js and restart the server to see my code in action.

Backend Validation is done by waterline (Sails default ORM) and the validation rules are in the model: ./api/models/Product.js

./config/bootstrap.js takes care of adding 5 dummy products while starting the server. The database is cleared on every server start, if this is not wanted, change the migrate attribute value at ./config/models.js to 'alter'

Additional information

npm start starts grunt which copies the transpiled ES5 code to ./.tmp/public/

Some curl for testing:

get products:

curl -XGET 'localhost:1337/api/product'

get products sorted by currency ascending:

curl -XGET 'localhost:1337/api/product?sort=currency%20ASC'

get products sorted by price descending:

curl -XGET 'localhost:1337/api/product?sort=price%20DESC'

get products sorted by name ascending:

curl -XGET 'localhost:1337/api/product?sort=name%20ASC'

get products with names that start with 'G':

curl -G -XGET 'localhost:1337/api/product' --data-urlencode 'where={"name":{"startsWith":"G"}}'

get products with price > 30000:

curl -G -XGET 'localhost:1337/api/product' --data-urlencode 'where={"price":{">":"30000"}}'

get product with id 1:

curl -XGET 'localhost:1337/api/product/1'


Used libraries