- 4
Formatter removing necessary parentheses in math
#50 opened by icegoat9 - 2
p8-jp-end -quote proposed when typing end
#58 opened by malmontagne - 1
Detect then/end, do/end as matching braces
#64 opened by japhib - 5
Formatting inserts a space above header comments that breaks pico-8 cart label
#51 opened by schoblaska - 6
Autocomplete broken after update 0.5.2
#62 opened by Rikaisan - 1
Picotron support
#63 opened by japhib - 0
- 1
Add usage badges (just for fun)
#59 opened by japhib - 3
[Feature Request]: Publish to Open VSX
#54 opened by PhasecoreX - 2
- 8
Support one-line `while` statement
#11 opened by japhib - 1
ignore "errors" within txt files
#56 opened by likelyculprit - 0
Documentation for custom functions
#60 opened by theRenard - 0
Wrong formatting on comment after function
#53 opened by ahai64 - 14
How to use pico8-ls with neovim?
#34 opened by miguno - 4
sublime text support?
#44 opened by pancelor - 2
- 2
Add code folding for pico-8 tabs
#38 opened by McLeopold - 3
Auto-complete for built-in functions
#39 opened by japhib - 1
Auto complete inconsistency and a bug?
#25 opened by TheRoboZ - 2
- 4
- 1
- 2
[Bug] Formatter breaks `repeat until` pattern
#43 opened by scambier - 24
Support document formatting
#26 opened by beetrootpaul - 1
- 1
code formatting breaks my game
#42 opened by reydelatorre - 1
Code Minifier
#41 opened by japhib - 3
- 7
Add some way to pick from pico-8 glyphs
#30 opened by mika76 - 2
- 5
reset() not recognized
#35 opened by miguno - 4
Support built in globals
#9 opened by Lexicality - 5
Symbols are not generated/displayed correctly
#31 opened by mika76 - 0
Expose a parser as a separate Node.js package to enable 3rd party tools to use it
#29 opened by beetrootpaul - 1
Warning if variable can be local
#23 opened by electricbrass - 5
How to make pico8-ls aware of globals?
#28 opened by beetrootpaul - 3
- 20
- 0
Add Code Size Info
#21 opened by TheLight8 - 4
- 0
- 0
Make it play nicely with the Lua VSCode plugin
#12 opened by japhib - 0
Outline View #include toggle
#18 opened by TheRoboZ - 7
- 1
Support for extcmd and yield
#14 opened by japhib - 1
"Warning: undefined variable" on labels and gotos
#16 opened by japhib - 1
Code collapsing broken
#15 opened by desmondw - 1
Disable problems?
#8 opened by omegakode - 6
Plug-in broke suddenly?
#7 opened by ChristopherDrum