
Very Basic Invoice Model Example in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Very Basic Invoice Model Example

program: Very Basic Invoice Model Example.
version: 0.0.1
author: Joan A. Pinol
author_nickname: japinol
author_gitHub: japinol7
author_twitter: @japinol
description: Very Basic Invoice Model example.
Python requires: 3.8 or greater.
Python versions tested: 
    > 3.8.5   64bits under Windows 10
    > 3.9.12  64bits under Windows 11

How to test the implementation

Do this:
    1. Clone this repository in your local system.
    2. Go to its folder in your system.
    3. $ python -m unittest

This should result in some logs and it should end this way:
    Ran 18 tests in 0.005s


1. Code a model for an invoice that:
    • Store the following information:
        • The quantity sold for each product
        • The total amount of the invoice
        • The client information
        • The company information.
    • Simulate storing this information into a database.
2. Write unit tests using unittest to test the implementation.
3. The implementation will use Python 3.8.


• I decided to structure the project in five main addons (module-packages): 
      base, account, contacts, product and sale.
• Each addon (module-package) will have two packages: models and tests.
• The account addon will implement the classes AccountInvoice and AccountInvoiceLine.
• The base addon will create a dummy class DBDriver to connect and write to a fictional database.
• The sale addon will implement the classes SaleInvoice and SaleInvoiceLine.
• They will be subclasses of AccountInvoice and AccountInvoiceLine from the account addon.
• The main tests are in the main account addon, inside test_account_invoice.py 
  and the sale addon, in test_sale_invoice.py

In more detail

• account
    • models
        • account_invoice.py
          Implements the model account_invoice.
          Classes: AccountInvoice, AccountInvoiceType and AccountInvoiceException.
          It’s not intended to be used directly. 
          Instead, its classes are intended to be used through the subclass sale addon 
          (and a future purchase addon).
        • account_invoice_line.py
          Implements the model account_invoice_line.
          Classes: AccountInvoiceLine.
          It’s not intended to be used directly. 
          Instead, its classes are intended to be used through the subclass sale addon 
          (and a future purchase addon).
    • tests
        • test_account_invoice.py
          Here are the main tests for all the functionality of the invoices.
• base
    • models
        • db_driver.py
          Implements a dummy model db_driver.
          Classes: DBDriver.
    • tests
        • test_db_driver.py
• contacts
    • models
        • contact.py
    • tests
        • test_contact.py
• product
    • models
        • product.py
    • tests
        • test_product.py
• sale
    • models
        • sale_invoice.py
          Implements the model sale_invoice.
          Classes: SaleInvoice.
          These classes inherit AccountInvoice and AccountInvoiceLine from the account addon.
          SaleInvoice puts the attribute invoice_type to AccountInvoiceType.OUT 
          and adds the string 'INV/OUT/' to the field invoice_id.
        • sale_invoice_line.py
          Implements the model sale_invoice_line.
          Classes: SaleInvoiceLine .
    • tests
        • test_sale_invoice.py
          This addon adds some tests for the characteristics added to sale invoices.
          Although, the main tests for invoices are in the file: test_account_invoice.py.